21 Blogs To Read If You Sell Anything Online

Phil Forbes
Phil Forbes
21 Blogs To Read If You Sell Anything Online

Our list is composed of everything. Colour inspiration, eCommerce and entrepreneur tips to crafting ideas and how to knit. Yep. If there is nothing here that helps you, please let us know and we will personally search the internet for you. Seriously.By the way, we also know how annoying it can be to sift through your bookmarks bar. Feedly fixes that.In no particular order:

1. The Side Hustle Nation

Have you noticed that not all Etsy stores take off and automatically generate a 6 digit income overnight? Sidehustle is a website dedicated to people that have their business on the side whilst working a 9-5.Our favourite read: How to quit your job this year.

2. Handmade in the USA

Handmade in the USA is a blog written by the lovely Jana. She is full of tips for entrepreneurs and makers to turn their passions into profitable businesses.Our favourite read: How to validate your idea.

3. Noobpreneur

Noobpreneur gets our vote for the best-named blog. Noobpreneur.com are a team offering tips and ideas for small business owners and those who want to enter entrepreneurship with the right mindset.Our favourite read: How freebies can help your business

4. Social Media Examiner

Social media examiner are a behemoth. They know basically everything there is to know in all categories of social media.Our favourite read: 19 tools to create social media content.

5. Yotpo blog

What do Yotpo do? Not much, only get their customers more reviews, an increase in conversions, retention of customers, acquisition of new traffic, and a rise in search results.Our favourite read: How to collect and leverage customer photos.

6. Sue B. Zimmerman

Sue B Zimmerman is often called the Queen of Instagram. Her knowledge of the photo sharing social media application is second to none. Proof of this is how quickly she got on top of the new ‘Stories’ feature on Instagram.Our favourite read: Instagrams new ‘Stories’ for business

7. GetResponse Blog

GetResponse hail from Poland (just like us!), the home of the Startup business. GetResponse takes care of all your email marketing and everything that goes with them.Our favourite read: 9 little white lies about marketing automation

8. UK Craft Blog

UK Craft Blog is exactly that. A blog aimed at UK based crafters. A massive collection of crafty inspiration and ideas for anyone looking to keep their hands busy.

9. Folksy Blog

Folksy is a place to buy and sell handcrafted or designed work from UK designer-makers. Based in the gorgeous Sheffield, UK, this great little community always pumps of golden blog entries.Our favourite read: Styled product shots

10. Marmalead

Marmalead has to be one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated tools out there.  Specifically for Etsy sellers who want to grow, their tools are in-depth and thorough.  As is their blog. Bonus: The Etsy Shop Fitness calculator.Our favourite read: Why you should talk to your customers.

11. A beautiful mess

A beautiful mess are 2 sisters who are a women's lifestyle company focused on creating happiness every day through a homemade lifestyle. They do lots and they do all of it well.  Even better, the blog about it all.Our favourite read: Etiquette whilst networking.

12. Millo

Millo is a blog dedicated to making small business owners think about all aspects of their business and how they can be streamlined, made easier and made enjoyable.Our favourite read: Maximize productivity, minimise burnout.

13. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is hands down is one of my personal favourite blogs to read. Talking about a range of topics when it comes to writing content for a blog and how to push that blog in front of people that want to read it. Content Marketing Mastery.Our favourite read: Why you hate writing.

14. Shopify blog

Shopify blog- What needs to be said about Shopify?Our favourite read: How going beyond Etsy is essential to growing.

15. Bplans

Bplans is a wealth of information to starting, running and growing a small business of any kind.Our favourite read: Preventing small business fraud online.

16. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics takes a very analytical and mathematical approach to improving your eCommerce store. Professional number crunching is behind a lot of things they discuss.  Definitely, something we all need to know more about. Once of our favourite blogs to read if you sell anything online.Our favourite read: How personalization helps drives customers.

17. Ohjoy

Ohjoy are producers of how-to lifestyle videos and a daily blog with a focus on design, fashion, food, and joyful moments from everyday life. Bright, bubbly and always able to make us feel better about anything.

18. The Responster

Responster describe themselves better than I can. “Weekly posts on building a business, entrepreneurship, and failing gracefully‘. One of our essential blogs to read.Our favourite read: How to gather and analyse customer feedback.

19. WME Group

WME group are one of Australia’s fastest growing agencies 3 years running. Offering in-house digital services for some massive Australian Brands, their blog is also a goldmine of knowledge.Our favourite read: The magic of using correct keywords.

20. Plenty of Colour

Plentyofcolour is a bit of an exception. It's not a blog per se, but it is a collection of images constantly updated.  One look at these images and you’ll know why it's regularly visited when we need inspiration.What did we miss? What don't we read that we should? Let us know your favourite blogs to read if you sell anything online!

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